Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Top Chef Just Desserts: Week 7

Hello TCJD Fans! I know I missed last weeks review but Sara and Ashley who run Girly Obsessions wrote a review of Week 6 on their blog.

Ashley: Hi, I’m back!! Filling in for Sara this week. So, Jill, normally I wouldn't spend much time discussing the quickfire challenge, but this week had some high stakes! The winner got $10,000 while the loser got the boot, immediately. The cheftestants had to make doughnuts paired with coffee. I don’t think ANY of them wanted to be sent home for a donut. I mean it seems pretty basic...but what do I know? Carlos won with his orange and lemon zest bombolinis with passion fruit cream. I didn’t think he’d win when the guest judge, Mark Israel of the Doughnut Plant, made a cryptic comment about the flavor, and amount, of the cream. But I guess he liked it! And Megan went home. Johnny not being able to remove the donut from the plate due to the amount of glaze was the kiss of death. Are you sad to see her go? (Sorry, I’m still new here and I don’t know who we like and don’t like yet!)

Jillian: Hey Ash, welcome back and thanks for stepping in this week and last! I was happy to hear that immunity will no longer be offered at the quick fire challenge as in the past we have seen folks really get lazy in the elimination challenge because they had immunity. Personally I can’t wait to see Orlando go and when he started arguing with the judges about his cardamom I thought this might be his week, but I agree with not being able to separate the donut from the plate Megan really made some bad decisions on this round.

What did you think of the elimination challenge,where the contestants were placed on two teams to celebrate chocolate with a group centerpiece and individual desserts?

Ashley: Well, I thought it was kinda lame that Orlando and Chris did all the heavy lifting on the centerpieces for their teams. Not really a group effort. As far as the centerpieces go, I liked the concept behind Orlando’s, but aesthetically I liked Chris’ better. As far as the individual desserts go, Orlando had no time to make his, and left it up to his teammates which was a bit risky! But overall, kinda underwhelmed. It was fun to watch the cheftestants judge each other though! Orlando had A LOT to say, and none of it nice, especially about Katzie’s dessert.

Jillian: I don’t like how one person really took over for the centerpieces but I was really upset that Orlando didn’t actually make his dessert! I think he should of at least gotten scolded for that one. I was actually shocked at how nasty Orlando’s team was towards the other teams desserts, I guess they never learned the Golden Rule. I do think that it was Katzie’s time to go, she was the weakest link left and I think Orlando will be next to go. He has gotten lucky by being on winning teams but he doesn’t seem to really have anything special when it comes to flavor. I can’t wait to see what they have to do next week.

Ashley: Since there was no individual winner this week, I will say that I think Sally’s Manjari Caramel Mousse, Spiced Caramel Cream with Passion Fruit GelĂ©e looked the most appetizing. Woah, that’s a lot of ingredients! Like I said, I have no ties to anyone so I didn’t really care who went. But I do hope next week’s challenge is a little more interesting. If nothing else, maybe they can have a good old fashioned food fight or something to bring on some drama!

To check out more of Ashley & Sara’s posts on all things Girly go to Girly Obsessions.
(pictures courtesy BravoTV.com)

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