Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Au Gratin Cauliflower Casserole

Well the Au Gratin Potato recipe turned out so well and I thoroughly enjoyed the cheese sauce and really wanted to try it on a healthier vegetable.  While potatoes are great and wonderful they are a starchy option so tonight I decided to try cauliflower instead.  I mean really how can cheese covered vegetables go wrong?  and yes this is the same sauce as the potatoes, just tossed with roasted cauliflower instead of sliced potatoes.

Au Gratin Cauliflower: 6-8 Servings

1 Large Head of Cauliflower
2TB Olive Oil
1 Small Onion – Diced
2TB Butter
1TB Flour
1/2tsp Salt
1/4tsp Pepper
2C Milk
6oz Shredded Cheddar

First we are going to roast cauliflower! Rinse your cauliflower, and cut off the stalks into even pieces. Toss in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper and stick in a 375° oven for 25 minutes. This is a crucial step. I tried to make this recipe with raw cauliflower and the liquid it lets out while cooking completely ruined the dish. By roasting you remove the majority of the liquid and bring out the flavor of the cauliflower.

While the cauliflower is roasting you can make the cheese sauce. In a sauce pot melt the butter and cook the onion for about 2 minutes over medium heat, until they start to turn translucent. Whisk in the flour, salt and pepper and continue to whisk for 1-2 minutes, make sure not to let the flour burn. Remove from the heat and whisk in the milk, return to the heat and bring up to a low boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil for 1-2 minutes, the sauce will start to thicken. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese until it is melted.  Toss the roasted cauliflower into the cheese sauce and then pour into a greased casserole dish (mine is approx 4-5" deep and 10" round).

Bake at 375° for 30 minutes uncovered.  Cauliflower should be easy to pierce with a fork, remove from the oven, stir and let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving.

WW: 5 Points Plus / serving @ 6 servings
4 Points Plus / serving @ 8 servings


  1. It's ALIVE!
    (hee hee - glad the roasting worked)

  2. I'm pretty sure I have to draw the line at cauliflower. your work! :o)

  3. YUM! The sauce is better than the sum of all it's parts. It tastes like there is something else in there. Now, the sauce didn't thicken up very well BUT I didn't have milk so I used unsweetened almond milk and realized too late that it was vanilla flavored. Maybe that was the secret taste and the reason it was a bit runny? Anyway, mucho delicioso and I will make it again the RIGHT way! Thanks, Jillian, for another winner.

  4. Hi Allison! so glad you gave it a try! The sauce on mine was a tad bit runny but not milk consistency. You could just lessen the amount of milk, or increase the amount of flour. I found that the second day it was much thicker. You could try making it the first day, sticking it in the fridge and then putting it in the oven to reheat second day and serve then if you want it much thicker. - Jillian!
