Rosemary Chicken Legs: Serves 4-6
12 Chicken Legs
2TB Olive Oil
1tsp Rosemary
Onion Powder
Salt & Pepper
First things first, lets prepare the pan! I highly suggest wrapping a cookie sheet in tin foil so you don't have a ton of clean up when you are finished. Next I like to put a cookie rack on top of the sheet pan and spray it with pam. Now set your oven to preheat at 425°.
placing them on the cookie rack when you are done. Once all chicken legs have been coated in oil, liberally sprinkle salt, pepper and a little bit of onion powder on all sides and rub into the chicken. Now go back over with the rosemary making sure to evenly spread over the chicken.
Bake the chicken at 400° for approx 45-60 minutes (will vary on the size of your chicken legs), rotating the chicken every 15 minutes. By placing on the cookie rack the excess fat will drip onto the bottom of the pan allowing the skin to crisp up.
I found these to be reminiscent of fall and Thanksgiving and for an extra kick you could add some Taragon and Thyme in with the Rosemary. The skin had a nice crisp to it and carried a lot of flavor.
WW: 10 Points Plus / serving @ 4 servings
7 Points Plus / serving @ 6 servings